Sewing is F*@king Hard
In my post about my very fall weekend, I mentioned making pillowcases and girl, it was an experience.
I made the decision to make some pillowcases because I want my bed to be filled with pillows. At my place, I had a ton of throw pillows from abandoned bed sets that needed some serious making over and if there is one thing I am here for, it's a make over.
Here is 2 of the 4 pillows I was working with.
So, I enlisted the help of my crafty sister, Kemarah, she is also the mother of the 2 littles that are all up in through this blog. Besides the fact that she has crazy talent with sewing, crocheting, knitting and many more; she has an effing craft room!
You read that correctly, a whole ass craft room!
She is going through The Sewing Bible to find information I need to make my pillowcases.
She yelled at me for taking these pictures because her "craft room was a mess" but I don't care, a room like this is supposed to be used, so let it look used.
Alright, so let us get into why I won't be sewing ever again. I have this new found respect for people who make things by hand because fam, that is not the life for me.
I got to my sister's house at 1:30pm Saturday and did not leave around 2am Sunday morning. I mean honestly, I could have stopped and finished the next day but I had already put so many hours in, I was NOT leaving her house without finishing those damn pillows!
You all have to understand, I cannot sew straight on a sewing machine! ( I am laughing while writing this post because, thinking back to the amount of mental and physical anguish sewing pillowcases caused me is, comical LOL!)
I straight up struggled with everything! Measuring, cutting, legit, EVERYTHING! I think part of the issue was, I came in with this idea that, all of this would be so simple. And when I realized the amount of work it actually was, I got frustrated and really hard on myself.
Thinking back now, I was too hard on myself for it being my first time using a sewing machine and sewing invisible zippers and shit. However, I have come to the conclusion that I am all set with sewing (for now).
You are probably wondering "how did the pillows come out?"
Below is what they look like. Even with their imperfections they are staying on my damn bed, especially for the amount of hours I put into this things! Enjoy.
At least one of them is crooked lol!